Sunday, February 10, 2013

Sweets for the sweet

Valentine's Day is this week, which gets a gal like me thinking about chocolate.  And, I thought ahead enough to get some of these delivered in time to ensure their consumption long before the actual holiday:

In giving these as a gift to the spousal equivalent, I ensure that I get half of them.  Thus I must order 2x as many.  And they are worth it.

I'm not sure where I first ran across the OCD Sweet Stix.  Probably via The Laziest Vegans In the World.  Anyway, they were presented as vegan Twix, so of course I was interested.  Twix used to be my absolute favorite.  Presented with a vegan Twix option, I fell hook, line and sinker.  I ordered some for Xmas stocking stuffing and they were fantastic.  Maybe even better than Twix.  Yeah, I'll go that far, especially since they are covered in dark chocolate, which everyone knows is the superior form of chocolate.

Here's an interior view:

Not a great picture, as is my way, but let me tell you that they are delicious.  And while it's too late for you to get yours by Valentine's Day (but haha I got mine!), do yourself a favor and get some ordered toot sweet.  Send some my way, too.

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