Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Mexican Bean Soup with Chipotle Avocado Cream

This is yet another bean soup, a type of recipe that I seem to be quite attracted to.  What can I say, I like Mexican spices, they are easy to put together, and are hearty and satisfying.  What's not to like? 

This one puts an added twist to the tried-and-true with the addition of Chipotle Avocado Cream.


Instead of thinking about gazpacho or at least a lighter soup, Mother Nature has had other ideas of late.  This soup was enjoyed last night as yet another late-season snowfall arrived in Denver.  I swear, if I hear someone say "But we need the moisture" one more time, my head may explode.  Yeah, I know, we ALL know, but we're past the need to state the obvious.  Shut up and let me eat my soup.

Recipe here.  The only comments on this or modifications are that if you like ANY spice at all to the soup, definitely add the jalapeno.  I used a whole jalapeno and it wasn't spicy at all.  Next time, I'll leave in the seeds to add extra zip.  And, same goes for the avocado cream--if you want discernible heat, add double the amount or more of chipotle Tabasco (I bought a bottle for this recipe and I'm bummed I have missed out on this stuff for so long!).  That said, the Chipotle Avocado Cream is a keeper, and I can think of any number of tasty applications for its future use.

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