Sunday, September 15, 2013

Vegan Bulgogi

Long time, no write! It's not that I haven't been cooking...but the recent hot spell around here pretty much sucked the culinary inspiration right out of me. My motivation level hasn't allowed me to spend more than 15 minutes prepping dinner, so my posts would have been decidedly uninspired. And if I did make anything interesting, I was too lazy to take a damn picture and post it. How sad is that? It's just an indicator of how much I HATE heat. Hopefully we are done with the 90+ degree days and have moved into more reasonable climate territory. But then again, maybe not, given the floods and wild weather we've had here in Colorado the past few days. While my house, its contents and occupants managed to stay dry, not everyone was so lucky. And this situation is far from over, especially since it rained all day today, which we definitely did not need. This dreary, rainy day did inspire me to post something I made a few times this summer and it has become a favorite. I ran across the link to the recipe here. I gravitate toward Mexican food, which is no surprise to the 3 people who read this blog. But, I do enjoy Asian food and try to incorporate new recipes when I can.
Really, really wonderful. I made sandwiches with it, but also found myself shoveling pieces into my mouth before they even made it into the sandwich. The recipe is here. The recipe calls for vegan cheese but that seemed not quite right to me so I just did Vegenaise on a bun and called it good. Coleslaw is also quite good in this application. I did make 2x the marinade the second time I made this and found it to be perfect. Guess I'm just a saucy gal.

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