Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Where have you been all my life?

Long time, no write.  It's not as if I haven't been eating.  Ha, as if.  But, you know, life gets in the way, inspiration wanes, etc.  But there's nothing like a new cookbook to inspire!  And sometimes that doesn't even work.  Now that we're in the throes of the time change and evenings are looooong, I'm getting my comfort food mojo going.

As is my way, I like to investigate new cookbooks via the public library to determine if they are purchase-worthy.  And I've come across a couple that will be finding a new home with me.

First up is Isa Does It by Isa Chandra Moskowitz.

For those of you who don't know, Isa is vegan cooking royalty!  Her books have guided me along the vegan journey.  From Vegan with a Vengeance to Veganomicon to Vegan Brunch to this book and all the others, her books and her website the Post Punk Kitchen have been by my side.  She's creative and inventive and I appreciate that her books aren't just a slight variation or re-hash of previous recipes.

This book is beautiful and the recipes are accessible--and by accessible I mean that they utilize stuff I have in the pantry and that I don't have to buy ingredients that I will use once and that's it.  I am so looking forward to cooking my way through this one.  The copy from the library will be returned with a few splatters on it (oops) and my lovely NEW personal copy will arrive soon.

I did make the Cast-Iron Stir Fry last week, but I was too lazy to take any pictures.  But I did get some pics of the Cheddary Broccoli Soup.

Total comfort food.  I've been hesitant to try any of the vegan broccoli cheese soup variants because my memory and taste buds can't let go of my pre-vegan Velveeta broccoli cheese soup extravaganza.  Knowing full well that were I to try it now, the Velveeta stuff would be too salty and leave that weird Velveeta film/coating on my tongue, I still hesitated to try a vegan version.  But no mas.  This stuff is wonderful.  And it was even better today for lunch.  I look forward to many winter evenings cozied up with this soup.

Since the book is just released, I don't want to get in anyone's cross-hairs by posting the recipe.  Therefore, you'll have to visit your local library or just take the plunge and get your own copy of this book.   I promise you will not be disappointed.

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