Sunday, December 29, 2013

Holiday fud and drink

Ah, the holidays...Time to overindulge.  I try not to overdo, but rather to savor the pleasure of partaking.  I will only partially cover the holiday offerings, mostly so as not to reveal what a pig I am.

First up, Coconut Chana Saag from Isa Does It:

This dish was magnificent.  So easy and so satisfying.  Plus it made a lot, so there were plenty of hearty, satisfying leftovers.  Mmm, leftovers.  My favorite.

And vegan Irish Cream:

From Vegan Dad.  Recipe here.  This was delish, although I made one critical error in not using decaf coffee in making mine.  This would ordinarily not be a big deal, but when enjoying as a nightcap, it's something to consider.  Between the caffeine and the sugar, I did not get much sleep after imbibing.

Apparently I was too busy eating and drinking to digitally document my adventures.  Ah, well, there's plenty more on the horizon.  That's the great thing about food.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Isa Does It...Again!

Queso Blanco Bowl!

Magnificent!  The kale chips are genius.  This beat the pants off a Chipotle burrito bowl any day.  This is going to become a staple meal, no doubt about it.  And the queso will be standard fare for any number of applications.  I wish it was tomorrow so I could be eating these leftovers right now.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Whatcha got cookin'?

The cold weather, long evenings and upcoming holidays have had me spending time in the kitchen.  My pictures, however, have not gotten any better.
 Curried Peanut Sauce Bowl from Isa Does It.  Wonderful!  The peanut sauce recipe alone is worth buying the book.  Yep, that good.
 Bike Messenger Brownies from Bake and Destroy.  With a moniker like Bike Messenger Brownies, you know I couldn't resist.  Espresso in the brownies + chai glaze = love.  Will definitely make these again.
Pizza Bowl from Isa Does It.  Can ya tell I'm loving the bowls?  I made Big Stick Pepperoni from Vegan on the Cheap to use in this recipe.  For once I didn't go the lazy route by just buying packaged sausages.  Again, the sauce on this made the recipe.  And, yes, that is white rice.  So sue me, I have several bags in the house for some reason and I just need to use them.  I always feel guilty not using brown rice for some reason.

Tonight's dinner is French Fry Tacos.  Bad pics to follow.